Want to save time & money on your promotional calendars? Order early! |
#7069 |
#7001 |
#7087 |
#7302 |
#7288 |
Illustrations #7039 |
#7289 |
#7071 |
#7007 |
#7019 |
#7045 |
#7021 |
#7051 |
#7212 |
#7013 |
#7041 |
#7049 |
#7028 |
#7073 |
#7025 |
Greens #7029 |
#7077 |
#7037 |
#7081 |
#7083 |
#7042 |
#7079 |
#7005 |
#7057 |
#7033 |
#7047 |
#7031 |
#7103 |
#7017 |
#7099 |
#7063 |
#7003 |
#7020 |
Click on each Item # above to see the large picture of the
calendar design you desire and it's 12-month pages. For minimum qantities of 150 calendars: Stapled Calendars $2.10 each. Spiral or Window Calendars $2.38 each. For 100 - 149 calendars:Stapled $2.80 each. Spiral or Window $3.08 each. The price for the custom imprinted window calendars is the same as the spiral calendars. (Click here to see a sample of the "window" calendar). |
As you click on each calendar above, it will show you the type available and the item #. Please specify the style of your calendar in your order | Prices shown below are for Qty. of 300 wall calendars. (For quantitiy under 300, see price above). For prices above 300 units, call: 410-661-6260 Price each wall calendars imprinted in one standard color. For 2-4 colors, or full color imprint logo/text/photo, add $0.14 per calendar. All colors will be created out of 4-color process. NOTE: Please place your order early (before September 15th) so that you can get the best price and your desired calendar design on time. |
Wall Calendar - Type: SPIRAL | $2.17 | Wall Calendar - Type: STAPLED | $1.91 | Wall Calendar - Type: WINDOW. (See sample of a "window" calendar) | $2.17 |
Parkville, MD 21234 USA Phone: 410-661-6260 For our complete business address: click here or go to the Order Form Web site: www.armuproducts.com EMAIL: click here to contact us, or to Email your artwork, purchasing orders and or questions. - -524 |